Completing (Nearly) Everything In Classic WoW As A Paladin

One of the things I set out to do in my World of Warcraft Classic journey was to complete every quest, clear every dungeon, raid as a Holy, Prot, and Retribution spec, and level up the two main professions to the maximum while acquiring every possible recipe as a Paladin. In this article, I note my progression in this matter and the completion of those respective feats. So, currently, I am this far into my self-imposed torture achievement:


I found an article online that suggested this to be the progressive order in which to tackle the zones of Azeroth. Next to the name is the level range of the zone. If you follow this order of finishing a zone before moving on to the next you might always be overpowered for the next one. This means more damage, which equals an easier time. I used the EveryQuest addon initially, and then Questie to track down every quest in the game. After using these add-ons, I realized there were still quite a few left-over quests from previous zones that I needed to complete.

Dun Morogh 1-10
Elwynn Forest 1-10
Teldrassil 1-10
Darkshore 10-20
Loch Modan 10-20
Westfall 10-20
The Barrens 10-25
Redridge Mountains 15-27
Stonetalon Mountains 15-27
Ashenvale 18-30
Duskwood 18-30
Hillsbrad Foothills 20-30
Wetlands 20-30
Thousand Needles 25-35
Alterac Mountains 30-40
Arathi Highlands 30-40
Desolace 30-40
Stranglethorn Vale 30-45
Dustwallow Marsh 35-45
Badlands 35-45
Swamp of Sorrows 35-45
Feralas 40-50
Hinterlands 40-50
Tanaris 40-50
Searing Gorge 45-50
Azshara 45-55
Blasted Lands 45-55
Un'goro Crater 48-55
Felwood 48-55
Burning Steppes 50-58
Western Plaguelands 51-58
Eastern Plaguelands 53-60
Winterspring 53-60
Deadwind Pass 55-60
Moonglade 55-60
Silithus 55-60



The first number after the dungeon name is the minimum level required to enter; the following range represents the recommended level range for players to do said dungeon. I aimed for three runs for each dungeon, one for each possible spec. Naturally, I have a distinctive gear set ready for each. I'll be happy if I get just one as Retribution though.

Wailing Caverns 10 15-25
The Deadmines 10 18-23
Shadowfang Keep 14 22-30
Blackfathom Deeps 15 20-30
The Stockade 15 22-30
Gnomeregan 19 24-34
Razorfen Kraul 25 30-40
Scarlet Monastery 21 Graveyard 26-45
Scarlet Monastery 21 Library 26-45
Scarlet Monastery 21 Armory 26-45
Scarlet Monastery 21 Cathedral 26-45
Razorfen Downs 35 40-50
Uldaman 30 35-45
Zul'Farrak 39 44-54
Maraudon 30 46-55
Temple of Atal'Hakkar 45 55-60
Blackrock Depths 48 52-60
Lower Blackrock Spire 48 55-60
Upper Blackrock Spire 48 55-60
Dire Maul 48 55-60
Scholomance 48 58-60
Stratholme 48 58-60


Molten Core
Onyxia's Lair
Blackwing Lair
Dragon World Bosses
Temple of Ahn'Qiraj
Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj


Cooking 300
First Aid 300
Fishing 300

Alchemy 300
Gnome Engineering  300
Goblin Engineering 300
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