For a more detailed introduction to this guide please read the holy bis guide for the 10-19 bracket. I go into more depth there into stuff like what race you should choose and how to navigate these guides. So, without further ado, the best in slot gear for 20-29 Holy paladins for PvP and PvE in Classic WoW.
Dressing Room
If your focus is Player versus Player and if we choose from the items above the most useful in PvP (those that give stamina, intellect, armor, healing) then your toon should look like this: Holy Paladin BiS 20-29 PvP.If you’re PvE orientated then with my chosen recommended best items you would look like this: Holy Paladin BiS 20-29 PvE.
In my Classic journey, I built my Holy gear as a mishmash of both worlds centered around an aesthetic I enjoy looking at: Holy Paladin 20-29 BiS Alternative Design.