WoW Level 80 Paladin Screens From Wrath of the Lich King

What could have followed after the WoW TBC screenshots article from that time in my life? To share my (small) collection of World of Warcraft screenshots from the next expansion that I also played like a madman during my first two college years, up until I quit games altogether and got a job in my third year. That being said, Wrath of the Lich King was the absolute epitome of my gaming "career" so to speak. I played nonstop, at least 8 hours a day. I did most everything and got the Justicar title for being exalted with the 3 main PvP factions. At least that's what I remember about this specific achievement which I was very proud of. Huge grind for the title, and a non-stop grind for everything else. That said, I stopped playing very early into the Ulduar phase and never came back to the game up until the Classic WoW era that we are currently in.

Enjoy the 4:3 images below (the one above was edited to look good on social media). Still in love with this character, and nostalgic about the time. Very proud of that 20-0-42 kill streak by the end of that Warsong too! Oh and the Paladin in PVP with Seal of the Martyr was absolutely insane! Here's a famous video.

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