The Only D&D Personality Test You Need To Take

The D&D quiz you can take on the website is one of the most complex ones out here, if not the. The entire site is worth your perusing if you're into Dungeons & Dragons but the quiz is quite remarkable as it will definitely give you insight into yourself. But, before you take it please read below the impressions and suggestions I offer.

Adventurers by Oleksiy Lipatov

On my first attempt at this quiz four years ago the result I got was that I am a Chaotic Neutral Human Monk (5th Level) which represented me in that part of my life very well and still does to a great extent in my life philosophy.

But on a more recent attempt, I got that I am a Lawful Good Human Paladin/Sorcerer (3rd/3rd Level). While I like the result and it does represent my one-man-army / hat-of-all-trades approach to gaming and life I realized that the questionnaire can actually be done in multiple ways and that that result is not so satisfactory for me. It's all about perspective.

First, you need to decide if you wish to take the quiz in the context of its title - what D&D character would you be or, even more thoroughly explained - if you were in a fantasy realm what would I be? So I'm not talking about being transported with your current body and mind in that world. No! I'm talking about what would your ideal self be instead?

So when you answer you have to imagine that perfect self or archetype and how that person would act in that fantasy world. Maybe you would act much like you would do in the real world but would you still look the same, for example?

My October 20th birth date also agrees

The second way you can do this quiz is by replying with how you act in the "real" world, in day-to-day life. Take for example question nr 131. Would you express a revolutionary political opinion if threatened with punishment? In the real world, I don't care about politics. In a fantasy world where I'd be an avatar of Justice (the Paladin), I would go for a different answer: Yes, I'd instead be punished rather than remain silent. Though even in the real world I still express everything freely. So it's a bit of a conundrum.

So at the end of the day, it all boils down to what you want to get from this quiz and you can easily use it to generate different types of characters for your roleplaying sessions. All in all, I think this quiz is a good representation of how your life philosophy works. Not so much how you cast spells, how you do battle, and anything else you would do in a videogame.

One last note though. You will need to use this tool for question 31. For my height, my frame is... But you'll need a measuring tape too. I used other resources as well such as Googling what is the average height in the world and stuff like that so I can better categorize myself. Needless to say, I spent many hours completing this quiz and you should not rush it. For the best results, you need to sit with each difficult question and really think about it.

What helped me the most was evoking my past experiences and life situations and seeing how I acted there. Judging by that, only then did I respond to the question. If I remembered something later I went back to the question and changed my answer if it better suited how I really am. Naturally, if you don't behave that way any longer you should reply with how you would act in the present moment.

Finally, for my last attempt, I decided to answer with how I really am, and how I really feel about every situation. So am I a Paladin or not? Well, without further ado...

I Am A: Lawful Neutral Human Paladin (6th Level)

Sena Tharlendri by Chase Falkenhagen

Ability Scores:


Alignment: Lawful Neutral

A lawful neutral character acts as law, tradition, or a personal code directs him. Order and organization are paramount to him. He may believe in personal order and live by a code or standard, or he may believe for all and favor a strong, organized government. Lawful neutral is the best alignment you can be because it means you are reliable and honorable without being a zealot. However, lawful neutrality can be a dangerous alignment when it seeks to eliminate all freedom, choice, and diversity in society.

Race: Human

Humans are the most adaptable of the common races. Short generations and a penchant for migration and conquest have made them physically diverse as well. Humans are often unorthodox in their dress, sporting unusual hairstyles, fanciful clothes, tattoos, and the like.

Class: Paladin

Paladins take their adventures seriously, and even a mundane mission is, in the heart of the paladin, a personal test, an opportunity to demonstrate bravery, learn tactics, or find ways to do good. Divine power protects these warriors of virtue, warding off harm, protecting them from disease, healing, and guarding against fear. The paladin can also direct this power to help others, heal wounds or cure diseases, and also use it to destroy evil. Experienced paladins can smite evil foes and turn away undead. A paladin's Wisdom score should be high, as this determines the maximum spell level that they can cast. Many of the paladin's special abilities also benefit from a high Charisma score.
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