The Paladin Class Logo Database Listing of Images

We previously looked at Paladin-inspired icons. Now let's also look at what the Paladin inspired regarding logo designs. Naturally! But first, we must clarify a few things. Looking for Paladin designs online got a bit tricky this time around.

Paladin is a well-known D&D class that many businesses incorporate in their naming. Why is that? The answer is simple. The Paladin is an archetype ideal that stands for justice and law. To no one’s surprise, it can be found that there are hundreds of legal services firms around the world that include the word.

So here I am already in front of a dilemma. Should I also use those trademarked logos or not? At first impression, I would say no. I think we should stick with those logos that undoubtedly refer to the Paladin class; as in media such as video games and tabletop roleplay. Any logo that is just the ‘Paladin’ wording will not do. For example, let’s say, the logo for this Romanian publishing company ‘Editura Paladin’. To conclude, any logo that just uses the word Paladin and is written in some fancy font is not ideal for this list.

I did however make some exceptions when the logo truly was at the precipice of leaning in either of the two categories – the one we care about and the one we don’t. The logo for the game company Paladin Studios is one such example. How cute is that little young squire!

Galloping on… trademarks!

On a side note, why do so many Paladin-named businesses have a horse attached to their branding? Paladin Realty Partners LLC, Paladin Risk Solutions Inc., and Paladin Associates Inc., to name just a few. Am I missing something regarding Paladins and horses? LOL! Please don’t go there! Perhaps because the horse is the de facto fastest medieval method of transportation.

Getting back to the point. I went through everything ‘paladin logo’ on various art sites such as Dribbble, ArtStation, DeviantArt, Behance, and others I can’t recall right now. But Google was my main dealer of branded logos for sure.

I also had to steer away from metal prints, posters, stickers, and anything that constitutes a little bit more than a logo. We will get to posters, apparel, and other items in due time. But today, let’s just see plain logos that make you think of the Paladin class.

In what concerns the source for all of these images there are too many for me to link them all. But if you really want to find out what the source is do this: right-click on the image you are interested in. Then, click 'Open image in new tab'. Look at the URL and see what I named it. I always add the complete name of the image and of the artist or business where I found it. You can see it at the end of that long string of characters.

One last note before I let you browse them. I have categorized these logos into two. First, we will see those images that have a 99.9% chance of being trademarked logos. Then, we will see images that I mostly found on art sites. But that doesn’t mean they are not trademarked! Or they do not belong to the artist. So keep that in mind. I do not own any of the images listed on this page.

Paladin very much trademarked logos

Paladin maybe not (but still) trademarked logos

So in conclusion - you may do what you want with them. But do remember that most if not all of the logos on this page are copyrighted trademarks of their respective owners. I used them here for entertainment purposes only. With that out of the way... Here are other logos I found on art sites and search engines:

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