A Tale of Two Sony Trinitrons Pickups On The Same Day

Over the past years, I've been diligently going to my local Sunday morning flea market, investing in and reselling online movies on DVD, videogames, retro consoles, and all sorts of other stuff. Naturally, I've also kept an eye out for any CRT TVs, like the ones I keep seeing posted by you fine gentlemen. Not to resell them, but to use them with my own retro consoles.

Long story short, I've never seen one, apart from one regular wide-screen CRT that had its plastic cracked. Come this last Sunday and the first thing my eyes locked on was this rough-looking dark grey TV (pictured above on the right).

I immediately started inquiring and after a long story about how his kids cut its cord and how it had been sitting in a closet for many years etcetera etcetera I also noticed it was a Trinitron via the back sticker. The front is severely drawn on, stickered on, and scratched; presumable by said kids. I didn't even haggle, at the price of €10 or $11 I think it's a steal, regardless of the fact it requires a whole lot of work. I'm not even sure it has its guts inside, but it looks like it does. It's a Sony Trinitron and it looks like shit!

Actually, the stickers and stuff look so cool I'm kind of tempted to just clean around them; not even trying to paint over the scratch marks or whatever. Keep it as is but clean.

Later in the day, I got a call from a guy whose apartment I had visited in the last week to check it out as a new renting opportunity. Very close to where I live now. My partner and I passed on the apartment, but I did inquire about this pristine-looking CRT that was sitting in this guy's old family home. He said he decided to sell it to me. Again after a lot of babbling, he gave me the price of  €20 or $22. What could I have said apart from 'I'm leaving now, be there in 20 mins'? This is the Sony Trinitron in fabulous shape, pictured on the left in the above image.

So going from never seeing any Trinitron TVs ever, I scored two of them on the same day. Talk about luck! On my RPG stat sheet, I have many points in Luck.

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