I can't recall the exact name of the website where I found these images, nor can I find it again. But these high-resolution thumbnails for each and every one of the zones you can find in Classic World of Warcraft are a must-be archived online resource! They are great if you want to use them in your articles or projects somewhere or maybe just as wallpapers. They are all 2560 by 1080 pixels in resolution, by the way.
The image used above is from a different source though a fanart by DeviantArt user UnidColor. The name of it is Classic WoW - Darkshire. Anyway, let's see the Classic WoW zone image thumbnail database listing below.
Alterac Mountains |
Arathi Highlands |
Ashenvale |
Azshara |
Badlands |
Blasted Lands |
Burning Steppes |
Darkshore |
Darnassus |
Desolace |
Duskwood |
Dustwallow |
Eastern Plaguelands |
Felwood |
Feralas |
Hilsbrad Foothills |
Ironforge |
Loch Modan |
Moonglade |
Orgrimmar |
Redridge Mountains |
Searing Gorge |
Silithus |
Silverpine Forest |
Stonetalon |
Stormwind |
Stranglethorn Vale |
Stranglethorn Vale Boat |
Swamp of Sorrows |
Tanaris |
The Barrens |
The Hinterlands |
Thorium Vein |
Thousand Needles |
Thunder Bluff |
Timbermaw Hold |
Undercity |
Un'Goro Crater |
Western Plaguelands |
Westfall |
Wetlands |
Winterspring |