The Need to Document Everything
I used to write on pieces of paper at the end of any RPG I played through all the items I had at the end; the class, stats, and specs. It was all written down! Too bad I don't have them anymore. That would have made for some amazing nostalgic notes.
I remember a close friend when seeing these screenshots back in the day, and, him saying 'Wow this looks like something that should be in a gaming magazine'. It felt nice! 😊Well, they made it on this gaming-oriented article, so that's something!
These screens will also probably blow your mind when you realize I have forced every recruited party member to use bows. Regardless of their class! That meant they had some catching up to do, naturally. But I made sure they all had the best items. And any new upgrade on my main character would trickle down a domino effect of upgrades on all the rest. That's because the current item my main had would go to my second-best character. And so on and so forth. Fun times! I played it on easy that first time around, mind you. So that's why the huge amounts of gold at the end.
Lastly, it's laughable to see that with the gear I put on them they looked like such doofuses and goofs. 😂 So, please enjoy these 2005 Dungeon Siege Screenshots in their fabulous 1024x768 pixels resolution.